FinalTest Writing Reflective 10: The Importance of Learning Local Mother Tongue for Children


Language is the ability possessed by humans to communicate with other humans. There are approximately 7,139 languages ​​in existence worldwide, and about 40 per cent of languages ​​are threatened with extinction with less than 1,000 speakers of the remaining languages. In Indonesia, most of the 718 regional languages ​​are currently in danger of extinction or are experiencing a regional language crisis because nowadays, many regional language speakers do not use and do not pass their local language on to the next generation. This is very unfortunate considering that the regional language or mother tongue is also one of Indonesia's cultural treasures. Therefore, children or the next generation must learn their mother tongue, especially formal languages.

            Teaching children their mother tongue or regional language does not mean they can only preserve the Indonesian regional language. Still, it also makes children not forget where they come from. Children with a solid foundation in their first language, namely their mother tongue, will show a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in society and increase their self-confidence. Unfortunately, nowadays, parents tend not to teach their children their mother tongue or local language but instead to use an international language. This does not mean that international languages ​​are not necessary, but considering that the mother tongue or regional language is a cultural treasure of Indonesia, the mother tongue or regional language is as important as international languages.

There are several benefits for children if they learn their mother tongue or regional language, namely supporting the intellectual development of children. Children will be more likely to be involved in the learning process using their mother tongue. This is because when children learn their mother tongue, it will simultaneously improve their ability to think critically and develop their literacy skills. So that children who use their mother tongue will be able to ask questions, give suggestions, and communicate their new knowledge enthusiastically during the teaching and learning process. Besides that, the mother tongue can be a means in social life for communication and ethical manners in society. As we know that regional languages ​​have various levels, which are used to regulate how people should speak. For example, in Javanese, there are two levels used, namely Ngoko (used to talk to younger people) and Krama (used to speak to people who are older or more respected). By getting used to appropriate regional languages, children will understand how to behave ethically toward older people and those younger than them.

From this, it can be concluded that learning the local mother tongue formally or regional language for children will also positively impact children's development. In addition, we can participate in helping to preserve regional languages ​​so that they do not experience extinction. Help from the government in conducting local language learning in the curriculum and the family assisting children in learning their mother tongue at home is critical to children mastering the local language. Besides that, increasing the use of regional languages so as not to experience extinction, especially Indonesia's regional language, takes a lot of participation from children and all elements of society. So, let's all increase our interest and willingness to learn regional languages ​​for future generations.


Thank you for reading my reflective! I hope those who read this can be inspired to be part of people who preserve the local mother tongue to maintain Indonesian culture💖


  1. hi rifa!! i totally agree with you, i think learning local mother tongue formally to children is really important for them!!

    it will also helps us to maintain the existing national values by teaching local mother tongue to children!!

  2. i totally agree with you, Rifa. Thank you for sharing.

  3. i gained more insights by reading your work, thanks for sharing rifa!

  4. New topic discuss that I read about mother tongue. I agree that mother tongue is very important to learn for children.

  5. your explanation is clearly rifa, iam agree with your opinion


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