Reflective Writing 2: Let's talk about handwriting and digital writing


    Our second meeting in the Academic Writing course was held via Whatsapp group for one reason or another. But that's okay because we still get new insights and lessons in this meeting. We were given a video link and a research paper about digital writing and handwriting in this second meeting. I feel happy because this is a new thing for me, considering that I usually do actual handwriting and digital writing in real life. However, with various studies carried out by experts, this is new information for me.

    In today's increasingly advanced technology, many things use technology, one of which is writing. Most people used to write using paper or books with the help of pens, pencils, and other media. However, we can write using handphones, tablets, computers, laptops, and other digital media in the current era. This makes many people ask where the best and most effective writing is. After reading and watching the videos provided, I realized that each media has advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of handwriting is that children can remember well. In accordance with research conducted by Muller and Oppenheimer, children who use handwriting can remember well and write briefly compared to children who use digital writing. In addition, Longcamp (2008) also conducted the same research and got the same results, namely the combination of physical and memory makes a person remember better. So it can be concluded that people who write by hand are better than people who write in digital writing. However, if we look into the positive factors of digital writing, we will find that digital writing is also very effective.

    Because we can use it anywhere and anytime using only mobile phones, laptops, tablets, etc. In addition, digital writing makes it easier for us to find a word or sentence. Simply by typing the word or sentence we want to find and not wait a long time, the word or sentence will appear. So it saves our time in searching for a word or sentence. Another advantage is that it is easy to edit. As we know that when we write by hand, we will find it difficult and take a long time to make pictures, tables, or delete our wrong words or sentences. Using digital writing can save our time and make it easier for us to edit it. We can delete a word, sentence, or paragraph quickly. In addition, we can insert photos and tables easily. With the screenshot feature, we crop the photo that we want, and then we can insert it into our writing.

    I and maybe this reflective reader know the various impacts of using handwriting and digital writing. As humans who live in the 21st century, we must take advantage of digital writing in our lives so that we do not get outdated. However, we must not forget the use of handwriting as well. We can use the two interchangeably, considering the positive and negative impacts that have been said before. And what I will do in the future in dealing with activities using digital writing and handwriting is by using the two media interchangeably.  

Thank you for reading my reflective writing! stay happy and stay healthy, everyone😄🌻

Name    : Rifa Reviana A

Class     : 4A

NIM      : 2223200080 


Helene Dahlsröm, L. B. (2017). Pros and Cons: Handwriting Versus Digital. NORDIC JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LITERACY, Vol. 12, No. 4-2017, p. 143–161, 3-4. doi:10.18261/ISSN.1891-943X-2017-04-04

Kharma Medic. (2021). Digital Notes vs. Handwritings Notes (which should you do?).



  1. Hi Rifa, this is a brilliant pieace of reflective writing. You combine both knowledge from your reading and your experience while and after reading the given text about hand writing and digital writing. Superb!

  2. Hi Rifa! this is very great and interesting writing!

  3. I agree with your statement, Rifa! We can use these two methods of writing interchangeably to get their benefits.

  4. This a great information. I get a lot of knowledges from your blog Rifa. Thank you.

  5. your post is sooo easy to understand^^


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