Reflective Writing 5: Is writing challenging?

Source: Pinterest

Hello! At this meeting, it was held via Google Meet, and the topic discussed was the writing process. Writing is a process of creating notes, information, or stories using characters. Writing is also a skill. Everyone must own this skill because this skill is essential. Because writing is a skill, we have to practice often if we want to master this skill. If we do not practice often, our writing skills will not develop. Writing is divided into two, namely, informal writing and formal writing. Informal writing is writing using everyday language and is usually addressed to our peers. Examples of informal writing are when we comment on our friends' social media, send messages to our friends, and many other examples.

Formal writing is used for business, legal, and academic purposes. This form of writing is crucial for us to learn because writing like this will be needed in work or academics. Many people find it challenging to write this form. Therefore practice is one way to master writing in this form. As in making food, in writing, there are processes and conditions. Because writing is about ideas, the first thing to do is think about what content we will write. After that, we can think of other conditions. There are informal writing characteristics, including colloquialisms and jargon, writing in the first person or making "I" statements, making direct personal statements, and imprecise word choices. While in academic writing, the characteristics include a formal tone, use of the third-person rather than first-person perspective, clear focus on the issue or topic rather than the author's opinion, and precise word choice. In writing, we should not plagiarize. Plagiarism is copying passages, text, or work ideas without adequately acknowledging the author. We can quote if we want to use words or sentences from other authors to avoid plagiarism. Writing is about an idea, so to generate these ideas, we need reading resources. We should not just quote words or sentences from untrusted sources in academic writing. Therefore we must pay attention to whether the source of our reading is reliable.

If we think of the word academic writing, what comes to our mind is writing essays, journal writing, etc. So paragraphs are crucial here. The writer usually writes 7-8 sentences in a section in academic writing. In addition, each sentence should be topic-specific, preferably with an introductory sentence, need a supporting example where the references come in, and the last sentence concludes the paragraph. Do not introduce anything new or out of the topic when we conclude. And the last is because academic writing is write and rewrite. So we need revision. We can read the text aloud, check the grammatical and so on.

From this, we know that writing is a difficult skill. But there is no problematic word if we want to try and pursue it. Constant practice is needed to develop this skill. Therefore, we must practice writing to improve our writing skills.


Thank you for reading my reflective! Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay with me😂✨🌅

Name   : Rifa Reviana A

Class    : 4A

NIM    : 2223200080

Source: Pinterest


  1. It's interesting! I think that writing in academic is hard. But if we constant to practice. We could have a good academic writing. Thank you Rifa for the explanation.

  2. Hi Rifa! This is really great! I agree with you, writing is a difficult skill to learn

  3. I agree with your opinion that constant practice is needed to develop writing skill. Thank you Rifa


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